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Thursday, September 19, 2002
Remember all the "what did he know and when did he know it" talk from Democrat Congressmen about Bush's foreknowledge of 9/11? Turns out Congress had 9/11 information as recent as 2 months before the attack. I wonder if Cynthia McKinney will now add the members of the House Intelligence Committee to her alleged "conspiracy of silence". (Current members are comprised soley of Bush and his cabinet.) Again, hold not thy breath. Monday, September 16, 2002
The U.N. has become the crutch of governments with no stomach for doing what's right if no one else is doing it. Saudi Arabia is now saying they'd be "obliged to follow through" and let their bases be used in an attack against Iraq if the U.N. gave the go-ahead. Obviously, if there were any principals involved in the original denial of base usage, they have fallen by the wayside, and now they're hoping to at least be able to hide behind a U.N resolution and use the excuse "They made me do it!" with Saddam. The "emporers" of the U.N. have no clothes, and any resolution they may come up with is see-through. Bush nailed them to the wall when he framed his argument in the context of the many resolutions that Saddam broke. Either those resolutions meant something, or the U.N. doesn't mean anything. Either way, the folks too timid to take action had nowhere to run once their timidity (which was masquerading as "thoughtful deliberation") was exposed. Way to go, W. Thursday, September 12, 2002
Sorry, no September 11 retrospective or anything. I spent most of the free time I had the past couple of weeks working up a PowerPoint(tm) presentation of before, during and after 9/11, with images culled from everywhere and music from Michael W. Smith's "Freedom" CD. They liked it at church, and other churches may be using it this coming Sunday. :) In other news, however, two days ago the other McKinney lost. Billy McKinney's, Cynthia's dad, blamed "J-E-W-S" for his daughter's loss, and then blamed white racists for his loss, saying they wanted a Klansman instead of him. There is a 9/11 connection here: If terrorists hadn't attacked, Cynthia McKinney wouldn't have had the opportunity to put her red sneakers in her mouth up to the heel when she became an apologist for them. If she hadn't done that, she'd probably still have won. If she had won, Billy would'nt have had the opportunity to eat his own foot on national TV while reacting to a hotly-contested race. (He'd still have said such stuff, but it wouldn't have been covered so extensively.) If he hadn't been seen doing that, he probably would have won. Two things: Once again, one wonders what kind of voter keeps these kinds of people in power (racists, anti-Semites, anti-American, and boldly so on all three counts). I mean, Billy was in power for 30 years! Secondly, it is nice to know that the terrorists and their sympathizers are feeling the results of their actions, even if it is a little late in coming. Thursday, September 05, 2002
Mark Steyn of Canada's National Post has a very good take on the recent Environmental shindig in Johannesburg. The folks there were complaining that current development around the world is unsustainable. Mr. Steyn agrees...well, sort of. His analysis exposes what the "greens" are aiming for. What's really sneaky is that he uses their own words to expose them. Wednesday, September 04, 2002
CBS News did a study of airport security, and found that, generally, 70% of bags that could not be X-rayed (lead-lined film bags that block X-rays) were let through without hand checking. In some airports, that number was 100%. A year after 9/11/01, and CBS gives airport security, under the watchful eye of the federal government, an "F". Enjoy your flight. Well, the environmentalists weren't happy with the outcome of the latest Earth summit in Johannesburg, and for good reason; freedom still exists. "What?", you may ask. "Do you really believe they want to end freedom in pursuit of environmentalism?" Read for yourself: Richard Navarro, chaiman of FoOEI, stated that instead of "protecting the environment and fighting poverty and social destruction," the summit was "hijacked by free market ideology, by a backward-looking, insular and ignorant U.S...." Aside from the absurd notion that the meetings were hijacked by a country that did not attend, they consider free markets to be a step back, and consider it "ignorant". The only alternative to free markets are state-controlled markets (read: "socialism" or even "communism"). Considering that, what were the track records of communist countries like East Germany and the USSR compared, for instance, to the US? (Answer: Abysmal.) Any environmentalists out there, consider this: Your cause has been hijacked by radicals. They are the ones representing you to the world. If this isn't what you want, you had best speak now, or forever hold your peace (and the government will make sure you hold your peace). Oh, and there are such things a "conservative environmentalists". Read about Rob Gordon, Peter Huber, and James Glassman. Additionally, Gordon Durnil, while technically fitting the label, and who wrote a book on conservative environmentalism in 1995, might not be the best example, but an example nonetheless. Tuesday, September 03, 2002
French President Jacques Chirac has come up with a unique, novel idea on how to end world poverty...taxes! Not just any tax, mind you, but a world tax! Imagine that; a tax that would eliminate poverty. Why didn't we think of that in this country? Oh wait, we did. Yeah, and it should work great on a planetary scale since we've eliminated poverty here.... ...haven't we? Once again, we find another classic example of how, when government fails at one thing, it never stops doing it, it just expands the scope (and the cost). The solution is still smaller government. |