With the rest of the family still out of town (and our daughter winning a place on our denomination’s Bible Quizzing Team for Internationals!), we set out in the afternoon to hit 3 caches.  The first one we would hit would make #20.

However, at the first one we went to we came up empty handed.  Even with the hint, we were still unable to make the find.  Ironically, the difficulty for this was the lowest of the three we set out to find, and we did find the other two.  (Ah, it’s all subjective anyway.)

The second option was at a gas station, and the chance for discovery was rather high, this being on a busy street.  But there weren’t too many folks filling up, so not too bad.  At first we thought this was going to be a standard LPC (Lamp Post Cache, typically underneath the skirt that protects the bolts).  Without being too spoiler-y, technically it wasn’t, but in one sense it was.

20100501-154730We got the log and headed back to the car to sign it.


We tried to be sneaky getting it back, making my son the distraction by appearing to take a picture of me.  Can’t post it here, because I was oh-so-slyly pointing to where the cache was (for future reference). 

Thus, we had found our 20th cache.

On to our third attempt of the day, off the parking lot of a nearby church.  This was a bit more difficult.  It’s near a fence, but it appears this is an old fence that, at this point, doesn’t really separate anything.  It stops and starts in an area of overgrowth, so getting to and around it was a bit of a challenge. 


The description said to search high, so we did.

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I went closer to where my son was searching, looked up, and I was in just the right spot to see it.  Back to the car for the signing of the log.

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We returned it to its place (I had to do it to ensure it was as high as it was originally) and we came home having done an overall successful cache run.