My wife and I have organized a group of kids that memorize the Bible and compete in quizzes based on it.  We have an older group of kids that we help out with, but we’re in charge of the Junior Quizzers.  Tonight, we held a practice at the home of a couple of the quizzers, about 20 minutes away from our house.  My wife asked me to pop by the nearby Wal-Mart to pick up some things, so off I went.  I parked the van, and on my way in I checked my Blackberry just for fun to see if there were any caches nearby.

Two, and the closest on was less than 500 feet away!

So I decided that I just had to give it a shot once I left the store.  When I got back to the van, I got BlackStar cranking and drove along the parking lot until the way the arrow was moving gave me a pretty good idea of where the cache was (and the distance to the location was confirming it).  I parked, walked over to the suspected location, looked to make sure I wasn’t noticed, tried to look like I was searching for my keys on the ground, and quickly grabbed the cache.  Sweet!

It was a clear blue film canister.  I got it into the van, and it contained  rather rolled up log book.  The first (long) page was filled up so I would be the first name on the second page.

If only I could find a pen.  Which I couldn’t.  >sigh<

So to prove that I actually found this one, I took a couple of pictures of the container and the log.  Best I could do.



How did those folks get their picture in the log?  Impressive.

So I packed it all back up, put it back (again, making like I was looking for my lost keys on the ground), and drove off.  And I smiled because, indeed, caches are everywhere.

"Hey honey, I got what you asked for.  Oh, and I found a cache, too." 🙂