Cache Rush in Dahlonega

Georgia, Locations, Trackables, United States No Comments »

We’re up in Dahlonega, GA this Independence Day weekend, and got some caching in this afternoon; just me and the boys.  Dahlonega was the site of a gold rush in the early 1800s and is one of a number of quaint north Georgia towns, still with a town square and shops all around it.  It also has a quite a number caches.

We’re looking to pick up a travel bug for my younger daughter to take with her on her upcoming trip to Calgary, Alberta for Bible Quizzing Internationals.  So our first stop was to the cache called “Dahlonega Travel Bug Motel”, who’s purpose is to hold just travelers.  It was located between a gas station and a hotel.


While we were looking, the hotel manager and a maintenance man came by inspecting the air conditioning units and asked what we were doing.  We gave her the info and she was a bit concerned that the location was possibly on her property, but at least, if it wasn’t was in sight of some first floor guests, who might open the drapes to find people prowling around.  As soon as we got back from this caching run, I logged the DNF and let the owner know what the manager said.  Almost immediately, he disabled the cache, and said he would check to see if it’s still there, and if so move it to a new location.

Our next stop was at the Dahlonega Taco Bell for a micro.


We did some searching, but then I looked at the web page for the cache and discovered that at least the last 5 folks who tried looking didn’t find it.  So we figured we weren’t either, and moved on.

The next one, “Booker’s Stash” was outside the Lumpkin County Library (hence the name).  In under 5 minutes, my younger boy found it and we brought it back to the van to sift through it.




There wasn’t much of interest in there, and we hadn’t brought anything to trade anyway.  So we signed the log and put it back.

Next stop, a cache called “The Five Senses #1 – Smell”, and it was certainly appropriately named.  It was outside a trash facility.  We parked the van and started looking around; initially across the street but the fence nearby just called out to me.


Sure enough, my older son managed to find it and took the bison tube back to the van.  It was a very well-waterproofed setup; a small plastic tube inside the bison tube.  We signed the log, rolled it up tightly, put it back and moved on.



We started on our way towards home base and hit two more on the way.  The first was at a McDonald’s.




A pink bison tube was there, with a log book getting rather full.  We found a spot to sign it and put it back where we found it.  On we go…

Our last stop was at a Home Depot close to our Dahlonega base.  We searched and searched, making sure to avoid the many spiders hanging around, but didn’t find the bison tube that was waiting for us.


And so we end the day going 3 and 3.

Find #25: An Official Georgia State Park Geocache

Georgia, Locations, Trackables, United States No Comments »

The state parks in Georgia have a Geo-Challenge where they have hidden geocaches in 42 state parks.  Each is a normal geocache but also has a stamp that you are supposed to stamp onto your Geo-Challenge Passport.  When you find a certain number of GASP (GA state park) caches, you can get different custom geocoins.  I didn’t pick up on the passport thing until after we found the one at Amicalola Falls today, but we’ll have to print out one of their passports before we go next time.

The falls itself is very beautiful, and is the highest falls east of the Mississippi.  It’s surrounded by the north Georgia mountains.



This official GASP cache is close to the Lodge, where we were going to have lunch, normally an $8.50 buffet.  But for the July 4th weekend, the price was $13 per person, which I didn’t recall from the website.  Very disappointing.  So, deciding to eat later, we went down the trail.


Along the way we found a leaf bug, and my older daughter befriended it, as she does with many a large bug.


We made our way to within GPS-accuracy distance, and upon my announcing that fact, my youngest looked down and was standing right in front of the cache.  We opened it up and looked through the contents.




We hadn’t come prepared to trade anything, so we were going to just sign the log and go.  However, there was a geocoin there, in the log, the person who dropped it off said it was trying to go to the northeast United States.  Well, in a week and a half we’re going on vacation to New York, so we couldn’t resist (and we’re hooked on geocoins anyway).


So, sorry for not dropping anything off, but we’re going to send this Oakcoin on its way.

And this was our 25th find.

Sunday at Stone Mountain

Georgia, Locations, United States No Comments »

We took this Sunday afternoon to do some geocaching around Stone Mountain again, this time bringing a friend and hitting a number of spots.


The first one we looked for on our way around the mountain was at the end of the train line.  Good hiding place.  Too good, though.  We never found it.  But it’s there, because there have been logs posted since then where other did locate it.




So on we went to a cache in the playground.  Fortunately, having my youngest along meant we could get in "legally".  Unfortunately, there were a million mugglettes around.




Another DNF.  However, I did see a sight that gave me a chuckle; an indication of our cell-phone era.


We returned to the site of a previous DNF where the cache hider included a decoy.  I had wondered (here and in the official log) that the real cache may have been removed during some recent renovation.  However, the cache owner has since checked and indeed the cache is still there.  Again, unfortunately, even with additional help, we were unable to find the real cache.



OK, so quite the bummer of a run.  Fortunately, we had an ace in the hole.  Our friend had been geocaching at Stone Mountain before and knew the location of one, so we started off looking for it.  I will attest to the fact that he did not give any hints along the way, simply accompanying us as we followed the GPS.


On the way there, we came across 3 deer, and I got the best picture I could (which isn’t all that good) with my Blackberry camera fully zoomed in.


Finally, we closed in on the cache


And my older son, with caching-radar in good working order, looked at a particular location and thought, "That’s got to be it."  Indeed it was.


We signed the log, left out usual boondoggle, and took a plastic all-in-one thermometer/compass/magnifying glass thingie.



We placed it back in it’s hiding spot and hit the road.  It had been a very hot day already, and going 1-for-4 was a little depressing, but, as I always say, it did get us out of the house, which is always a good thing.

Mountain Park Hunting

Georgia, Locations, Trackables, United States No Comments »

With my eldest back from college, we had to do some caching.  We went over to a baseball park that both my sons have (in the past) played at.  There are a couple of multis there, but we were in a bit of a hurry (had to pick up one or two within an hour and get something to help out with supper).  So we went for the easy grabs.

And they were, especially for my eldest.  Both time, she pretty much walked right up to them.

The first was near some walking trails at one end of the park, off the trail a bit near the houses that back up to the park.

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We brought along the geocoin that we’d picked up before.  I’d hoped to drop it off in Savannah, but my wife went to help get my daughter packed up rather than I.  So we decided to drop it off here and let someone else send it on its way.



Not much in the cache itself, so we just signed the log and dropped off the coin.

On to the other cache, on the other side of the park where the jogging trails are.  Once again, my oldest basically just walked into it.  Her geocaching radar was really working.



We found what looked like a face in a tree while doing our hunting.


We found the micro, but forgot to bring our own pen, so this photographic evidence will have to suffice.


So endeth another fine day of caching.

Find #20 (and then some)

Georgia, Locations, United States No Comments »

With the rest of the family still out of town (and our daughter winning a place on our denomination’s Bible Quizzing Team for Internationals!), we set out in the afternoon to hit 3 caches.  The first one we would hit would make #20.

However, at the first one we went to we came up empty handed.  Even with the hint, we were still unable to make the find.  Ironically, the difficulty for this was the lowest of the three we set out to find, and we did find the other two.  (Ah, it’s all subjective anyway.)

The second option was at a gas station, and the chance for discovery was rather high, this being on a busy street.  But there weren’t too many folks filling up, so not too bad.  At first we thought this was going to be a standard LPC (Lamp Post Cache, typically underneath the skirt that protects the bolts).  Without being too spoiler-y, technically it wasn’t, but in one sense it was.

20100501-154730We got the log and headed back to the car to sign it.


We tried to be sneaky getting it back, making my son the distraction by appearing to take a picture of me.  Can’t post it here, because I was oh-so-slyly pointing to where the cache was (for future reference). 

Thus, we had found our 20th cache.

On to our third attempt of the day, off the parking lot of a nearby church.  This was a bit more difficult.  It’s near a fence, but it appears this is an old fence that, at this point, doesn’t really separate anything.  It stops and starts in an area of overgrowth, so getting to and around it was a bit of a challenge. 


The description said to search high, so we did.

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I went closer to where my son was searching, looked up, and I was in just the right spot to see it.  Back to the car for the signing of the log.

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We returned it to its place (I had to do it to ensure it was as high as it was originally) and we came home having done an overall successful cache run.